Murphey's law - one of the merciless laws of nature which strike suddenly and so forcefully that it throws you off balance. And more often not, when you least expect it. For those who are unaware of what this law is exactly, the trusty (and sometimes not so trusty) wikipedia may help you out:
Murphy's law is an adage or epigram that is typically stated as: "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong"-wikipedia
Take for instance this scenerio. You walk out of your house feeling good about things, with a smile on your face, wearing a new dress/sandals and the sort. You feel a light drizzle and do not let it dampen your spirits (pun intended) and walk on. Then it gets heavier so you take out your umbrella, only to discover that there is a leak right above your head. Yet you go on thinking at least the rest of me is sheltered and the next thing you know, your umbrella gets blown inside out by a gust of wind. And as you walk along with a slight frown on your face, you get splashed with murky roadside water by an oncoming vehicle as you're walking along the pedestrian walk. AND you miss the bus and you sit at the bus stop, shivering in the cold. And yes, this unfortunate soul was yours truly, albeit quite a few years back.
In any case, somehow this law has its way in our everyday life. But it is how we approach these situations that makes the difference. And the best way is to laugh at yourself once in a while, especially when murphey's law seems to magnify itself. After that, you shrug and move on and hope that the next day would be a better day. Laughter seems to lighten that load by folds!
On another note, balancing both my final year project (or honours project) and modules is getting to be quite a challenge. It almost feels like I am balancing on a tightrope with no circus training and holding a rod with weights hung at both sides. But no matter what, I shall not look at the valley below me. I just hope the tightrope does not break!